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New MSFS2020 build available!


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Dear Captains,

a new build for MSFS2020 (1.2b191) will be shortly available for download in your SimMarket account! Big news is the full ACARS/CPDLC support with SayIntentions.ai now fully integrated in the Maddog!


Here is the changelog:

- fixed issue with ACARS messages having LF as line separator;
- added option in Load Manager for realistic steering using rudder pedals (max +/- 17°);
- added support for Say Intentions AI. It can be selected from the Data provider menu in LM's Simulator Options. SI API key must be set in the ACARS section of Advanced Options.
- parking brakes knob in the VC now works as the real one: to engage parking brakes hold brakes pedal down, pull knob, release pedals, release knob. Push knob with left click to release parking brakes. Using key shortcut or joystick button just toggle parking brakes as before.

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