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jonny2speeds changed their profile photo
Skarafaz started following Alitalia: I-DACT [updated 21/11/2020]
ItzARz changed their profile photo
Dear Pilots, We wanted to take a moment to address the initial challenges with FS2024. As a new platform, it’s been a learning curve for us as well, but rest assured, our team is actively working to address these issues and ensure a smooth experience for everyone. We’re excited to confirm that the Maddog X will be coming to FS2024 as a native upgrade and it's just behind the corner. Best of all, this upgrade will be provided free of charge to FS2020 Maddog customers. In addition, I can now tell that we’ve been hard at work for several months to bring the Maddog up to 'FS2020 standards' in terms of 3D modeling, textures, and sounds. Our idea is to offer an optional expansion that adds these enhanced features for those who already own the current version of the Maddog X. No ETA or screenshots at the moment. Thank you for your patience and continued support as we work through these early stages. We’ll keep you updated as we make progress, and we’re confident that the final result will be worth the wait. Best regards, The Leonardo SH devteam
arwasairl changed their profile photo
Dear Captains, a new build for MSFS2020 (1.2b194) is now available for download in your SimMarket account! Big news is the GSX Remote to EFB Service App! Here follows the changelog: [FIXED] - fixed issue with SPEED only constraint from navigation database; - fixed issue with FMS_OVRD at VNAV CAP; - fixed issue with FMS proposing STEP ALT above ceiling; - fixed issue with left briefcase knob integral light; - fixed issue with part of the spoiler lever mechanism related to autobrake always visible. [NEW] - added GSX remote to EFB Services App. See EFB documentation for details; - added autoprint to CPDLC messages; - pressing any function key while in ACARS/CPDLC will navigate out of ACARS and to the respective page.
maddogflyer025 changed their profile photo
Dear Captains, a new build for MSFS2020 (1.2b191) will be shortly available for download in your SimMarket account! Big news is the full ACARS/CPDLC support with now fully integrated in the Maddog! Here is the changelog: [FIXED] - fixed issue with ACARS messages having LF as line separator; [NEW] - added option in Load Manager for realistic steering using rudder pedals (max +/- 17°); - added support for Say Intentions AI. It can be selected from the Data provider menu in LM's Simulator Options. SI API key must be set in the ACARS section of Advanced Options. - parking brakes knob in the VC now works as the real one: to engage parking brakes hold brakes pedal down, pull knob, release pedals, release knob. Push knob with left click to release parking brakes. Using key shortcut or joystick button just toggle parking brakes as before.
pizzamonster changed their profile photo
MD80PROYECT changed their profile photo
aua122 changed their profile photo
Stefano changed their profile photo
13.Uniform changed their profile photo
Glad you’re enjoying the paint!
I ducked out the jetbridge door to take this shot after landing at LGA. It's hard to tell this is the Sim, and not reality. Thank you NBflightsim for this beautiful repaint.
anthony96 changed their profile photo
Hi Captains, a new build for MSFS2020 (1.2b186) is now available for download from your SimMarket account! Here is the changelog: *****1.2b186 - 23/04/2024***** >> FIXED - fixed issue with turnaround mode not working properly on b183; - fixed issue with holding drawing on ND 'flickering' when holding had no speed constraint or PERF data invalid (VNAV unavailable); - fixed issue with ovhd right map lt panel disappearing when HFDS selected; - fixed issue with NAV remaining in ARM mode after departing certain SIDs; - fixed issue with fms not considering last climb speed constraint if after TOC; - fixed issue with EGT not cooling during motoring. >> OTHER - improved FPS when terrain mode ON on ND; - added 'Hardware Configuration Tutorial.pdf' and 'List of Commands.pdf' to the documentation folder; - added MobiFlight profiles for Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo and for miniCockpit miniFCU in Redist folder; - added option to arm spoilers moving the assigned axis sligthly AFT. (To disable it, set ArmSpoilersFromAxis=0 in the maddogx.ini file). NOTE In order to correctly register Fly the Maddog X MD-82, enter your email address in the 'Email' field, your registration number in the 'Product Registration Number for Fly the Maddog X MD-82' field, leave the 'Enable Key' field blank and click on 'Register'.
Northwest Airlines / MD-82 N311RC circa 1986 – Republic Airlines hybrid Republic Airlines / MD-82 N301RC circa 1983 Republic Airlines / MD-82 N314RC circa 1986 TranStar Airlines / MD-83 N938MC circa 1986
A few more to the collection. Korean Air / MD-83 HL7274 circa 1993 PSA – Pacific Southwest Airlines / MD-82 N943PS circa 1986 PSA – Pacific Southwest Airlines / MD-82 N951PS circa 1987 PSA – Pacific Southwest Airlines / MD-81 N811US circa 1988 – US Air hybrid Spirit Airlines / MD-83 N808NK circa 2002 Spirit Airlines / MD-83 N824NK circa 2001 – Aero Lloyd hybrid Spirit Airlines / MD-83 N835NK circa 2005 Trans World Airlines – TWA / MD-82 N915TW circa 1999 Trans World Airlines – TWA / MD-83 N972TW circa 2000 TWA Airlines LLC / MD-82 N956U circa 2002 US Air / MD-81 N816US circa 1988 – PSA hybrid US Air / MD-82 N820US circa 1989 US Air / MD-81 N808US circa 1996
At Coastal, we are flying the heck out of our three MD-80s often putting 400 hours on the frame per season.
With AeroMexico I have completed 100 MaddogX repaints for MSFS! (The actual 100th paint was XA-AMP.) aeroméxico / MD-82 XA-AMP circa 1987 aeromexico / MD-82 XA-SFL circa 1994 AeroMexico / MD-82 XA-TLH circa 2000 AeroMexico / MD-88 XA-AMV circa 2001 AeroMexico / MD-88 XA-AMS circa 2006 AeroMexico Travel / MD-83 N583MD circa 2009 AeroMexico Travel / MD-83 N848SH circa 2011
jetsgo / MD-83C-FKLZ circa 2004 Iberia / MD-88 EC-FOG circa 2008 Iberia / MD-88 EC-FPD circa 2004 “Xacobeo 2004 – Galicia” Spanair / MD-83 EC-FTS circa 1999 Spanair / MD-83 EC-GHH circa 2006 Spanair / MD-83 EC-GVO circa 2011 in Star Alliance colors
I figured these repaints deserved their own thread. All are uploaded and available for MSFS from my site. Alitalia TEAM / MD-82 I-DACX circa 2002 Alitalia / MD-82 I-DANU circa 2010 Alitalia / MD-82 I-DATI circa 2012 Alitalia / MD-82 I-DAVH circa 1995 in hybrid Aero Trasport Italiani colors Alitalia / MD-82 I-DAWT circa 1996 in hybrid Aero Trasport Italiani colors ATI – Aero Trasporti Italiani / MD-82 I-DACN circa 1991 ATI – Aero Trasporti Italiani / MD-82 I-DATE circa 1993 eurofly / MD-83 EI-CNR circa 1997 eurofly / MD-83 EI-CMM circa 2000 eurofly / MD-82 I-DANG circa 1995 in hybrid Aero Trasporti Italiani colors eurofly / MD-82 I-DAVR circa 1995 in hybrid Aero Trasporti Italiani colors eurofly / MD-82 I-DAVR circa 1996 in hybrid Alitalia colors